blowing up the waters

Published October 26, 2014 by 51percentawesome

As my understanding of astrology has grown, my perspective on my own chart has changed. I initially resonated most strongly with aspects; on closer inspection this was because they remain constant when shifting to a more accurate side-real fagan-bradley chart. 

The current western tropical system is a mathematical calculation which is becoming increasingly inaccurate. Side-real measurements are based on the actual current position of the constellations. This system is 23 degrees out from the current conceptualised dates, meaning most people have a different primary ‘star sign’ than they have understood. These readings may remain somewhat adequate, however, when taking into account shifting progressions throughout the lifetime, and may account for the persistence of such an inaccurate system.

Beyond this, I realised that my summertime birth, within daylight savings time, required a manual adjustment to birth time back one hour, changing any house placements found within my chart.

Furthermore, on account of my natal chart being based on the East coast of australia, I have also found that adjusting my natal moon FORWARD 6 degrees (making it found in the tenth house) also increased the accuracy of my chart.

The ongoing changes to my conceptions of my own chart has required ongoing updating of this blog. I have until now applied dashes through information which is no longer relevant to myself but may be relevant to readers, in the hope of retaining a degree of functionality.

current approx chart (manually adjusted moon):

angela 2015 sidereal non dl savings chart, edited moon

previous tropical chart with adjusted times:


2014: Personal Moon Return & Other Chart Progressions

Published October 8, 2014 by 51percentawesome

Based on the progressed moon:

26 Jan 2013 Moon entering Virgo
Intensifies on MC around 26 October 2014
Intensifies at Natal Moon position around 26 April 2015
Finishes around 26 August 2015!

Natal house is 8th house Leo
Work: Gemini ascendant
Relationships: Leo ascendant
8th house: pisces, deeply spiritual union

Chiron in the third, until the ascendant post-return chart.

After the moon return, you become the natal ascendant.

Saturn rules the earth. The experience of being degraded and misunderstood. Saturn in the 12th house means withdrawing.

How do I learn? Natal uranus in the 12th: learn as a capricorn, cautious, structure, kinetic learning
Neptune & chiron, pisces full moon

Complete the south node> fiction based writing/poetry, spiritual literature. Lucid & poetic.

New: neptune/pisces coming into the third. EG neptune transiting the third for a young adult, can’t learn.
This is going to mean being cloudy for about ten years.
The moon return is the transient effect of this.

Mutable energies: means no structure.

This month: Oct 4th-25th. Libra mercury retrograde, things needing to be equal or fair in the tenth house. Check, and double check communications. Sun also in Libra.

North node fourth house (previously 3rd)

Published August 10, 2013 by 51percentawesome

Having the node placement of north node in 4th house, you came into this lifetime with an assumption that you would always be in a position of authority and that naturally you should be in control. While you have this memory from past lifetimes, in fact you are here now to focus not on others, but on putting your own house in order. Attempts to manage or direct people will lead you feeling empty and frustrated in this lifetime. When you organize your affairs and address your own emotional problems, the universe will support you.

In your childhood, one or perhaps both parents may have been exceptionally demanding, instilling in you a belief that you were destined for some great achievement. Astrologer Martin Schulman cautions that this conviction may be afflicted to the point that the person with North Node in 4th House “firmly believes that without his achieving some great destiny, life is utterly worthless.” Schulman suggests you learn the value of the old adage “A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush.” Do not forsake what you have for the possibility of what you might achieve, he warns.

Your relationship with each of your parents is more important for you than for others. People with these nodes are known especially for a deep connection with their mother. You are keenly aware of your dependence on your parents, now and in the past, but also struggle for independence. Coming to terms with your roots is part of your lifetime task of subordinating career to personal life. This does not mean that you cannot have a career, however. Consider Anton Chekov, Alex Haley, and Tennessee Williams, who all share this placement of north node in 4th house and found great acclaim through their writing about families.

Be aware of your motives for any goal. If you are pursuing something for the sake of recognition, to make yourself valuable in the eyes of a third party, or to give yourself legitimacy, then you will surely be unlucky. When you act for the sake of your own happiness, to further a healthy home life or to nourish your own emotional growth, good luck will follow, for this is your karmic path.

As the emphasis in this lifetime is on home and family, you will most likely be blessed in this area. Serene domestic surroundings, solitude, and privacy are good for your soul. Balance lifetimes of public acclaim and responsibility with long periods of soul development. Above all, attempt to develop emotional maturity. You are not the center of every situation. You are here to learn to nurture others.

Do not indulge your desire for power or recognition. Surely you will only exacerbate your feelings of inadequacy and provide evidence for your conviction that you are underappreciated. Also beware a tendency to climb the social ladder or indulge feelings you will someday take your rightful place in society. Such thoughts will lead you from your spiritual path.

While you find it easy to organize for others at the office, this is just a distraction. You must turn and face your emotions at home. Learn to express and honor them. You will find the love and appreciation you long for only by opening up the emotional faucet. Resist the temptation to bury yourself in work. Rather, plunge into the dark night of the soul: devote your time to loved ones, garden, cook, heal, tend to your home and spiritual matters.

Look within and you will find a brave new world even more exciting than the one outside you. What’s more, you are bound to discover at the end of the long journey that everything you are you owe to your parents. T.S. Elliot wrote, “We shall not cease from exploration/ And the end of all our exploring/ Will be to arrive where we started /And know the place for the first time.”

Note: True node is now considered to be fourth house, not third house, as per this change.

The North Node in 3rd House, also known as the Dragon’s Head in the Third House, brings good fortune in many areas: siblings, neighbors, co-workers, an intellectual career, mental capacity, education, and travel for the specific purpose of education. The corresponding Dragon’s Tail in the Ninth House shows a disdain for organized religion or perhaps extreme superstition. There may also be some danger in travel or a troubled journey for a mysterious or secretive reason. It also indicates a person who should also avoid gambling.

Many astrologers consider North Node in the third house to be exalted, meaning it is in its best placement. Perhaps it’s because the person’s spiritual journey is completely aligned with daily life. In past lives, you spent countless hours developing your intuition, philosophizing, and becoming wise. You have incarnated this time to be where you are, fit your life perfectly into the network of lives around you, and to use your mind to come to grips with the world as it is. Better than anyone else, you will come to understand how the world works, and the longer you live the less desire you will have to find some grand meaning in it all.

The Third House represents our daily journey. There is good luck around you. Opportunities will come from your own neighborhood, so to speak. As you go about your daily routine, meet as many people as possible. Build a strong network of friends and acquaintances. Develop good relations with your siblings and other family members.

To balance past experiences of long journeys and solitude, you must learn to communicate with those around you. You came into this life with a natural ability to intuit information and use the higher mind. Your task is to channel what messages you get to the right people. This means delivering the information in the right words at the right place and the right time. Your nervous energy is an impetus to do this. At your worst, you are just a gossip, but at your best, all your e-mailing, texting, calling and running around the city amounts to a job as modern day divine messenger. Think of Chris Rock and Bill Maher, both popular and controversial comedians with their North Nodes in 3rd House. What do they do but travel around the country delivering “the truth” to anyone who will pay to hear it?

Your challenge in this lifetime will be to tame your restlessness. From past incarnations you have a soul memory of long journeys and travel to faraway places. From time to time this wanderlust may overtake you again. You are scared to lose this sense of freedom, yet you must in order to grow. Stay put and you will reap the generous rewards of North Node in 3rd House. Forgo the travel and gain self-understanding.

For all your communicating, you may have trouble expressing your deepest feelings. As you make your daily rounds, chatting up friends, neighbors, and coworkers, remember to exchange not just ideas but feelings, as well. You may feel boxed in by your relationships, but your web of friendships, family ties, and business contacts has a purpose. This was created by you to fulfill your soul’s desire to learn precision. This network forces you to be accurate, focused, and direct in your communication. Avoid exaggeration and phrase things in ways that those around you will understand. John F. Kennedy, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, James Earl Jones, and Rod Serling, all known for their ability to deliver perfectly crafted messages, share this north node in 3rd house placement with you.

You have a genius for facts and details. You were born with a natural creative intelligence which you should develop through formal education. Avoid unorthodox schools or metaphysical or occult learning. You will also find bad luck in careers or situations which require you to make decisions. Because are always channeling higher information, you are never prepared to make a judgment, for you have that intuitive sense that more facts are on the way. Possessing the north node in 3rd house placement means you will find happiness in careers which require a great deal of creative mental energy, such as teaching, writing, history, or any other pursuit that demands mastery of a wide scope of details.

lilith in the eighth house

Published August 10, 2013 by 51percentawesome

Loner tendencies are strong in these people, but are deliberately kept to a low profile. This is to ensure that attention is not drawn to their uncommonly deep need for privacy & create the kind of curiosity about themselves that invites questions, leaving them vulnerable to intrusion or influence over which they have no control. They have a strong aversion for idle curiosity & expediently conduct themselves in a manner as not to arouse it.

Lilith is extreme, no middleground. In the 8th house it magnifies the introverted tendencies in the individual & particularly the desire nature, creating an intense inner life. In solitude they find the strengthening peace they need. No matter the cut of the chart otherwise, privacy is a fetish.

Though the appearance may be given of being direct & outwardly involved ~ extroverted, they are nevertheless discreet in building a private life atmosphere for themselves that makes them not easily accessible, either through choice of residence, particular lifestyle or work immersion. Living a good distance from relatives & friends, or having to work odd hours, offers an acceptable & non-neglectful reason for not visiting too often or being visited, thereby insuring greater solitude for themselves. They care as deeply, if not more than others, for their loved ones & friends, but must be infinitely more particular of the inroads even the best of intentioned can make. No matter how it is done it allows for the privacy they want ~ even the anonymity they desire at times ~ without drawing undue notice that might attract interference, misinterpretation or denial of the control over their own lives. In case it would broadcast a part of themselves they would prefer to keep hidden, you might say that they are secretive about being secretive.

…. few but very special friends. Keeping their own counsel becomes quite automatic in adulthood, taking few into their confidence. They take great care to not give any unnecessary indications of their thoughts, opinions or plans. That is, until they have had enough time alone to not only investigate & formulate them thoroughly for themselves, but if a plan, to make certain that they are essentially in control of it first, as well of themselves. They do not want to risk its being undermined or to attract unnecessary opposition.

They feel strangely vulnerable & are ~ explaining the early tensions and/or resentment. As they grow older, they are continually haunted by uneasy feelings of losing all control of their affairs to others or being victimized. This may be entirely subconscious, but accounts for other unusual psychological fears that many astrologers have found in the house that Lilith tenants.

They must build their psychic-emotional defenses through the objectivity one gains from an intellectual or strictly practical approach to things. Or, through a creative ambition that supplies an impersonal social outlet through which their intensity can be productively channeled ~ or be enslaved, if you will, to circumstances with no options. This is not to imply any lack of personal sincerity or graciousness on their part, unless other factors indicate otherwise, but simply a far greater than average need to get for themselves the necessary time & space for objectivity with which to ensure their privacy. Anything less becomes secretly abhorent to them…. Contrary to outer appearances of congeniality & a gracious interest in you, these are essentially very private people with extremely fixed feelings.

When this one is unselfishly or impersonally oriented in his/her interests; in other words, depersonalizes, Lilith in the 8th releases sure inner guidance for raising this one’s consciousness through challenges of the mind, the imagination or the spirit, as opposed to mundane desire. When finally they raise the consciousness above mere superficial satisfactions, (or are forced to) & accept that their path is through something higher in themselves, they eventually (or should I say automatically?), gain & keep control of their lives & know it & are at peace. No amount of invested wealth, marital or social support, inheritance or even power, eventually can satisfy otherwise.

When selfishly oriented they keep reaching for more, as they are then made incredibly subjective to their powerful desire nature by denying higher Lilithian energy & led down a gardenpath of frustration. Until this one relates to the riches of the mind, the soul or the spirit, as opposed to the weaknesses of the flesh & the desires of the personality, he or she can never feel fully satisfied.

When positive, they often find satisfying release through a vocational pursuit that has within it an outlet for a particular talent of the Zodiac sign Lilith is in. It gives their work special coloring & it makes it unique from others in the field…. Eventually there is an acquired strength that one can sense about these people that make some uneasy.

Although they will forgive, they will never forget a slight. Pride is strong. They are turned off by mediocrity, but have near reverence for high achievers, excellence & perseverance.

Usually in youth, at least once, there were realizations that being in a position under which they have no control, or foolishly having gotten themselves into a situation where base desires dominated, they found themselves compromised, nterpreting Lilith by D.G.Jay (1981controlled, severely criticized and/or totally misunderstood. They felt the sickening feeling of humiliation & the stinging loss of pride. Through such experiences or through one that came too close for comfort, particularly in a passive chart, they realized how vulnerable they were.

In some cases it is through the early death of someone very close; witnessing a near death or fatal accident; or their work brings them into contact with death, that forces them into an awareness of the thread by which life hangs. It is magnified by Lilith into metaphysical awareness of their own mortality ~ the “open sesame” to objectivity.

The 8th house is also the house of healing power or powers of regeneration. Some form of healing may be another area toward which an 8th Lilith may awaken. each time healing is practiced he or she feels more greatly healed themself.

They are proud, which when positive translates itself into ambition & a dedication for their work. There is a personal dignity that is quietly but consistently impressive.


– from Interpreting Lilith by D.G.Jay (1981

South node in virgo

Published August 8, 2013 by 51percentawesome

 The South Node in Virgo brings excessive attention to order and detail, and an attempt to analyze, explain, and control every facet of experience. The finite vision and pattern breakup are now giving way to broad perspective, even a chaotic jumble at times, and the ability to let go and let circumstance unfold. Precise rationalization is no longer necessary, as poetic simplicity develops and flourishes, and a merging with mystical experience takes the lead.Cleanliness, purity, and order. These SNs often find the constant maintenance and repair of daily life annoying, distracting, and burdensome. While the ancient mind remembers these tasks as being meditative, this time around, they interfere with the spiritual journey they desire. Spots are everywhere, but erasing them offers no lasting satisfaction. Keeping it clean and tidy is growing more and more nonsensical. Everything in its place, labeled, and glued down has become much less pleasurable, as the effort expended to keep it all under control could be used for other purposes, knowing it will all fall apart anyway.

The purity of the body is becoming less important, a perfect illustration being my SN Virgo friend, who cooked her strict vegetarian meals with a cigarette always dangling from her mouth. It made complete sense to her, as the mixed up character of existence was becoming clear, with its innate ability to process impurity successfully without extra effort.

Overanalysis. Virgo rules the process of digestion; breaking things down to their essential elements to be absorbed and utilized. Sometimes SNs overdo this process, feeling trapped, and unable to move on to other concepts and activities with ease. They lack trust in the natural ability to break down compounds without their constant surveillance. Once they enjoyed taking things apart and putting them back together, but now they feel a growing urge to let it all remain whole or as is. The compulsion to understand and explain every little detail is ready to be abandoned. Answers that once came easily now have disappeared, bringing the knowledge that nothing can really be figured out. The puzzle remains. The whole now contains the essence rather than the tiniest part.
Anxiety and worry. A nervous irritability afflicts the Virgo SNs and no amount of physical effort seems to ameliorate it. While control of the material plane used to work wonders, the inability to let things take a course of their own has become an impediment. Precise action has turned to fidgeting and fussing with details to no avail. It’s still not right, and the fear that things will never be right can prevail, thereby causing them to miss the value of the moment they’re in.Perfection and fault-finding. Where once critical analysis, and the movement toward physical perfection were great aids in their lives, they now threaten to ruin the joy of experience. The eye keeps traveling to the flaw, to the sacrifice of the overall grace and beauty in what they observe. Correction is desired but even that no longer works. Nitpicking creates a Gordian knot, while the unraveling waits in the wings.Rigidity and routine. The stiffness of trying to stay in finite structures can cause many hardships for the Virgo SNs, as the body betrays their regimentation no matter how healthy their aims. A deep fear if disintegration keeps them attached to rituals that no longer keep body and mind together the way they would like. They cling to routines, but dramatic events always come along to cause major disruption. All they want is to return to the order, not always realizing that the chaos holds the real key to their happiness, and that a proper order will reappear by itself, once they let go of the need to impose it compulsively. Through the anxiety of the chaos comes real peace, as they find a new arrangement altogether.
Job dissatisfaction. One of the hardest things to overcome is the expectation that the perfect job will appear, and that the daily grind will magically become joyous. Work for the Virgo SNs is often tedious and dull, lacking in spontaneity, and full of stale rituals. Sometimes they are overskilled, sometimes they think more skill is needed, and often the task of learning new skills looms ahead as a chore they would like to avoid. These precision machinists have become master craftspeople, ready to loosen up and flow into inspired creative actions with all their mistakes and impossibilities. The oft repeated phrase, “I don’t have enough time for that. I have too much work to do”, is the SN Virgo lament. They are often prisoners of their work routines waiting for the day freedom arrives, sweeping them away to an unstructured life.Soma versus spirit. Preoccupation with the body and its problems can be a SN Virgo habit. They breakdown the system into parts, as one segment fixed leads to another one coming apart. The psychological and spiritual roles in well-being are asking for attention, and even faith healing becomes a possibility. Attachment to form wants release in a recognition of the immaterial. Less control of the physical, allowing breakdowns to find alternative paths to repair, is what they are moving toward. They once had the cure for everything, but now everything, itself, is the cure.Shyness and retreat. Overwhelmed with the demands of relationship, these nodeholders frequently back away from the pleasures of interaction in which the call of duty is not the prime motivation. Compelled to be useful, they sometimes forget the nonsense we all love to share, and meaningless activities pursued just for the joy of togetherness. Repeated relations in a role of servitude make them wary of getting involved at times, with the excessive work required to maintain the connection. Sometimes others are absent from their plans, causing misunderstandings, along with the correctional attitude that can mar the fun. Oversensitivity to energy patterns, fearing the chaos of the combinations, can also overwhelm.
Fear of leisure. Many SN Virgos have a morbid fear of idleness. They are compelled to stay busy, and as soon as the body is at rest, it sees another area to attack, clean, repair, or organize. Inside lurks a mystic who can stare at the mountain for three hours, then turn to contemplating the ash tree for another four. A day without accomplishment is usually an impossibility, yet the sum total of all the achievements add up to little in the end. They could have been enjoying the tree all along, progressing to the other dimensions they are destined to reach.Guilt, duty, service, and sacrifice. The hardest part of the SN Virgo path is the abandonment of the need to help others at all times. Selfless service leaves them shortchanged, as the humility does not alleviate feelings of guilt. The perfect person, good at all costs, isn’t the ideal anymore. They’ve done their good deeds for many lifetimes and now the sacrifice has worn thin. Many stay in bad situations thinking they can turn them around, or believing the humility, maybe even abuse, will redeem them. They automatically help others and always will, with no effort. They see that the slack will immediately be picked up if they no longer stay bonded in slavery. The focus can now shift to other dimensions, broader pursuits, and a fluid expansion of self into the universe.The Virgo SNs are taking their experience with serving others to a larger entity and dispersing their talents to humanity as a whole, where a world of unlimited imagination awaits them at the North Node in Pisces. One of the best.

Ceres 2nd (previously 1st) house; conjunct mercury; sextile mars

Published July 20, 2013 by 51percentawesome

Ceres in the Second House: If well aspected, your physical nurturing needs will always be provided. And you will tend to nurture others in the same way. And nothing makes you feel more nurtured than a large bank balance and a full refrigerator.

Ceres second house, as per this change.

Ceres in the First Housee: People will always be mistaking you for their mother, even if you are a guy. That’s because Ceres in the 1st house people just seem to be nurturing. This effect is lessened if Ceres is located more towards the end of the house, or in a different sign from the Ascendant. There can be a problem if you happen to have a lot of planets in Gemini, like a friend of mine. She would rather talk than nurture, but emotionally needy people gravitate towards her constantly.

Ceres in Aquarius: If it’s weird, someone with Ceres in Aquarius will be likely to find it nurturing. Being with friends would also be a nurturing experience, and the friends, in turn, will probably feel nurtured. However, the early nurturing received was most likely erratic. When mommy isn’t there when the child is crying, the kid has to eventually cut off from the feelings of abandonment. Eventually, the child grows up, starts dating, and, when they really like somebody, up comes the feeling “I need you.” That’s when they get the great urge to run away. The negative side of Ceres in Aquarius is that it tends to have contact difficulties in intimate relationships.

Ceres Aspects Mercury: This is a nice aspect for a therapist to have because you can nurture others with your words. It is also good for a salesperson or someone who writes advertising copy for the same reason. The stressful aspects indicate that the words you heard as a child were not very nurturing. Be careful that you don’t do the same to your own children.

Ceres Aspects Mars: Energy, action, and nurturing combined. This person feels nurtured through physical action, adventure, and even combat. When it comes to nurturing others, they can dive right in and nurture you whether you want them to or not. The stressful aspects (square, opposition, and, here, the conjunction as well) are an indicator that the early nurturing tended to be in conflict with the need for assertion. The parents could have withheld nurturing when the child was in an angry mood, causing the anger to be repressed. Conversely, at least one parent could have expressed anger at the child’s nurturing needs, affecting the child’s sense of self-worth. Adults with the stressful Mars/Ceres aspects may get angry when asked to nurture others. They may even get angry when they have to nurture themselves!

North node Pisces (north node conjunct Neptune)

Published July 20, 2013 by 51percentawesome

True node/mean node= north node

Neptune rules Pisces.(previously jupiter)

Some authors interpret the Nodes as “where we’ve been” and “where we should be going.” This can be misleading. The Nodes are primarily an opposition! The goal of any opposition is synthesis — to turn the enemies into allies, to combine the best of both into a golden mean. Talking about one Node as your “future” and the other as your “past” encourages people to fall into polarization and projection — exactly the problems to which the Nodes are susceptible! Both Nodes relate to past lives and polarities we are striving to balance. Both Nodes relate to the future which can be bright when we achieve a pleasing synthesis!

Neptune conjunct North Node: This person reassures themselves through contact with nature, beauty and other inspirational pursuits. Spiritual connections can be a source of security for them. They may overidealize others in their relationships, or expect too much in nurturing contexts. They feel safest in their own imagination and transcendent talents. They want a magical home life.

(Moon conjunct midheaven)

Published July 12, 2013 by 51percentawesome

As per this change, my moon is no longer considered conjunct midheaven. Which is strange, because a lot of that stuff rang true. Stay tuned for further notes.

On some level, [even subconsciously] you are likely to crave some form of recognition for your achievements in the world. You are also likely to be very sensitive about your role in public, and may seek a sense of security from your chosen profession. This placement can suggest that you choose a profession in which you look after others, a caring role perhaps. Your mother may have had a strong influence on your life direction. Whatever profession you care to select, you may discover that catering to the needs of females, or promoting products and services more concerned with female interests would have a better chance of success than those more male oriented. There may also be a fair amount of fluctuations experienced in your work or your career. With the Moon as the most elevated planet in your chart you are endowed with an innate skill in terms of having the ability to appeal to the public, possessing the capacity to sway the minds of the public. Should you ever feel the desire to stand for the local community, local council, public speaking or politics, you might surprise yourself at just how effective your words can be on others. Knowing this might just tip the scales in overcoming any fearfulness encountered when asked to speak in front of an audience, bringing your hidden talents into focus and enabling you to maximise your hidden potential.

Moon conjunct the Midheaven is a powerful placement. Since the Moon is the deepest part of yourself and the Midheaven is your highest aspirations in the outer world, your professional strivings will come from a very soulful place. Your career path can be full of introspection and reflection. There’s less ambition for sheer ambition’s sake and more so a rather unconscious need for fulfill yourself emotionally.

Since the Moon represents our vulnerabilities, people with this position in their natal charts can be way too aware of and affected by what other people think. At a less mature level, this can make one extremely defensive. But, with personal growth, an uncanny sense of ease can develop in the public eye. The Moon is our place of comfort and Moon conjunct MC people can be unusually comfortable in the spotlight. This is why this is often called the “fame” position.

Moon conjunct MC people are like celebrities in our own way. There is a use of an intimate part of ourselves (the Moon) in our public image (Midheaven) in order to make an impression or get ahead. This creates a kind of pseudo-intimacy that draws in numerous “fans” and makes people believe they know us way better than they actually do. But, the thing is with Moon conjunct MC, this is very natural and not something that’s necessarily calculated. We just instantly project that part of ourselves.

People instantly pick up on your Moon energy and your widespread reputation will relate to some part of your Moon sign’s archetype. you’re quite responsible for projecting this image. If you’re not careful, the bad habits of your Moon will really negatively affect your social life. But, since Moon conjunct MC is so acutely aware of what others think, you can use the most positive traits of your Moon sign to cultivate the best image for yourself.

Moon conjunct MC is certainly significant, but it’s by no means rare. People with this placing are often more influenced by their mother (or another very influential female relative) than they realise. I will refer to this person as your mother. She might have more to do with the career you choose than your father. If your relationship with your mother was not good, it could cause psychological problems throughout your life that would affect your work and your goals in life very badly. Even as an adult, you might still need her emotional support very much and, if this is not forthcoming, you could well find someone else to act as a mother figure.
On some level, even subconsciously, you will want some form of recognition for your achievements in the world. You are also likely to be very sensitive about your role in public, and may seek a sense of security from your chosen profession. This placement can suggest that you choose a profession in which you look after others, a caring role perhaps. Whatever profession you care to select, you may discover that catering to the needs of females, or promoting products and services more concerned with female interests would have a better chance of success than those more male oriented. There may also be a fair amount of fluctuations experienced in your work or your career. With the Moon as the most elevated planet in your chart you are endowed with an innate skill in terms of having the ability to appeal to the public, possessing the capacity to sway the minds of the public. Should you ever feel the desire to stand for the local council, public speaking or politics, you might surprise yourself at just how effective your words can be on others. Knowing this might just tip the scales in overcoming any fearfulness encountered when asked to speak in front of an audience, bringing your hidden talents into focus and enabling you to maximise your hidden potential.
There are, of course, snags in this placing of the Moon. Be careful not to believe passively that the world will surely take care of you. You probably will receive a great deal of help from others, especially women, but, like anyone else, you will have to work to make the best of it.

you should be very good at getting along with the public, because you can make people feel that you belong with them. You have genuine sympathy for people, especially those who remind you of people you knew when you were young, and this is another reason why you possibly find a niche in one of the caring professions. You might also one day end up in business with another member of your family.

Moon Quincunx (Inconjunct) Jupiter

Published July 12, 2013 by 51percentawesome

To really understand others and life itself, you need to allow others to know you. You always “land on your feet” but often so far away from where you expected or where you said you will be, that you confuse others. Practice being more reliable; then, you will understand yourself, others and life all at once. Your optimism needs focus and to be harnessed to specific projects.

Moon quincunx Jupiter express their expansive, protective and mothering qualities in an unusual and original manner. They are the eternal optimists and philosophical about the tosses and turns of life. These people will bounce back again and again. They get through life through the use of a hearty sense of humour. Emotionally extravagant, they over-react in a most dramatic, somewhat camp manner. Moon quincunx Jupiter makes eccentric preachers and teachers, who are most entertaining in the “pulpit”. They can make grand promises that they find impossible to keep, mainly because they are constantly yearning for some unrealistic dream, which they assume they will attain without any obstacle.

These people can totally over-estimate their capabilities, but nothing seems to put them off their goals. For them there really aint no mountain high enough and they will do most anything to be with someone they love, idolising them like a god or goddess. They are also likely to have Jupiter’s roving eye, but they want to have their cake and eat it with a long-term marriage also. They will find novel ways to satiate their greed. Most of all these people will pick the road less travelled; they are true pioneers and enjoy telling tales of their weird and wonderful experiences. The worst side of this aspect can be an over-zealous attitude to spirituality, this aspect more than any other is likely to join some wacky religious cult. The best side is their irrepressible jovial attitude and a unique, larger than life charm.

You are prone to overindulge yourself physically, emotionally and financially. You have a light, cheerful disposition and enjoy reaching out to others in a warm, open and friendly way. Your emotional generosity and lack of pettiness is appreciated by your friends and they often come to you seeking help, sympathy or advice. You overlook the faults in others and treat people in a very tolerant, non-judgmental way. You are a happy-go-lucky person who is not prone to worry. There are times when you overdo your charity. You try to do too much for people and this can sometimes be as bad as or worse than not doing enough. You need to learn how to control your intense emotions. You have a great deal of trouble in controlling your feelings in your relationships with others. You may be saddled with an erratic type of nervous energy that doesn’t know when to stop until you have completely exhausted yourself physically and emotionally. Your life may seem to be one of constant, frantic haste. There is a tendency to put on weight through overindulgence of the appetite. Your philosophies or religious beliefs may be tested at some point in your life. Your optimism about finance allows overindulgence. There is a challenge presented here and that is in learning to dissolve your pride. You have an internal fear about facing any negative traits in your personality. This emotional fear can be overcome by developing a good philosophy of life and by recognizing that everyone has imperfections. There may be impaired reasoning ability, trouble through litigation, lack of forethought, indecision or dishonesty. You may be much too fond of ostentatious display, extravagant beyond your means and resources and prone to take wild chances in gambling or speculation.

Moon Inconjunct Jupiter: You’re popular and have a good sense of humor but tend to be lazy at times and to have weak judgment overall, especially in financial and domestic matters. You often over-extend yourself financially and self-indulgence can cause liver problems. Inner conflicts revolve around religion. You must learn to plan and to develop patience and calmness.

Moon Quincunx (Inconjunct) Venus

Published July 12, 2013 by 51percentawesome

The frustration you experience in life often comes because you get what you ask for from other people (and life in general). Unfortunately, what you ask for isn’t what you want. Partly, you are slowly learning better communication skills, and partly you are learning to understand your own deeper cravings as they are. You see the unacknowledged and undigested parts of your sensitivity and creativity present in others, but, these are really projections that you have to own within your self if you are to change for the better.

People with quincunxes tend to compartmentalize the two areas of life indicated by the planets and points involved.

When we express one of the planets or points involved in an opposition, the other planet or point feels “left out”. Nevertheless, the opportunities to find a balance are there. With the quincunx as well, it can be difficult to merge the energies of the planets involved. But the difference here is that there is a sense that the two cannot be merged, and this is where compartmentalization comes into play. The areas of life described by the planets tend to conflict with each other—not in as overt a way as is commonly seen with a square or opposition, but the individual separates them either consciously or unconsciously. This is why adjustment is associated with the quincunx—both planets/points represent distinct needs and areas of life, and it can take a lot of energy to sort them into different compartments!

With a Moon-Venus quincunx, our emotions (Moon) and our values/love nature (Venus) are difficult to blend. We feel the need to separate satisfying the needs of our Moon (by sign, house, and aspect- virgo, tenth house, apex t-square Saturn/Uranus and chiron) and the needs of our Venus (by sign, house, and aspect- Aquarius, third house, square mars).

A mother with this Moon quincunx Venus aspect might have a difficult time blending her romantic life with her role as a mother. If she is married, she may compartmentalize her role as a romantic partner and her role as a mother. She might slot the two roles/needs into different categories, and find it too uncomfortable to take on both roles at once. If she is unmarried, she may have a difficult time even imagining that she could fulfill her children’s needs and her partner’s needs in a harmonious way if they are done at the same time. She won’t neglect either role, but she will separate them. As a result, much energy is spent in her life trying to deal with both roles or needs at different times.

Now, she may consciously separate these areas of life, slotting them in such a way to keep them separate, or she may feel like life circumstances force her to do so. Whatever the perception, the challenge is coming from within her because it does not feel natural for her to blend the two areas of her life. Integrating the energies of these planets within her is the only solution if she feels outside forces are causing her to make constant, energy-draining adjustments.

On another level, if we equate the Moon with what makes her feel comfortable, and Venus with what makes her feel good, there can be a conflict between her social life and her need for safety. She can feel ill at ease in social situations. Perhaps a vague sense of guilt or fear accompanies her when she is playing the social butterfly. When she isolates herself, however, and tends to her inner sense of peace, she might feel lonely and unloved. Because Venus rules pleasure and money, she may find that spending money on herself, or on things that seem frivolous, takes away from her family or home in some way. Another possibility is that the people she is romantically attracted to threaten her sense of security in her family. Perhaps her family does not approve of her partners, or she has difficulty integrating her friends and partners with her family. Conversely, her partners may have difficulty accepting her family.

Moon quincunx Venus is associated with overindulgence. It is not hard to imagine that a person with this aspect may overdo comfort food, spending, and so forth because a quincunx, when it is not integrated and handled properly, leads to dissatisfaction with both planets. The Moon and Venus both deal with comfort and pleasure, and if we’re unhappy with these areas of life, we are certainly more prone to overcompensating.

The bottom line with the quincunx is that the quincunx’s “owner” perceives the energies of the two planets as very separate and has difficulty satisfying the divergent needs concurrently. Adjustments that can be energy-draining are felt to be necessary and accepted as a fact of life. From the outside looking in, we might be puzzled as to why the person cannot fulfill the needs simultaneously. Often, the individual has no idea why this cannot be done, and might blame life circumstances or others for the problem.

Some astrologers have associated quincunxes with health problems. This makes sense, because there is a lot of misplaced energy involved when the individual works to compartmentalize the planets and points involved in a quincunx. Guilt and a sense of failure are often a by-product of the quincunx, and these can certainly contribute to health problems.

Quincunxes show areas of weakness, in terms of low self-esteem, that others find easy to prey upon. The individual, by not accepting the areas of life represented by the planets in quincunx, leaves himself or herself open to being taken advantage of. Quincunxes point to an area where we may have an inferiority complex. We have difficulty integrating these energies into our personality to the point where we are not happy with either energy. Feeding one planet’s needs is a separate activity from feeding the other planet’s energies. A vague sense of guilt is often the result, and this can undermine confidence with both energies.

The key to handling quincunxes is, firstly, knowledge, and then integration. Awareness that the discrepancy lies within the personality is essential before integration can occur. Quincunxes can often make us feel that external events or other people are forcing us to separate, compartmentalize, or redirect the energies of the planets involved. We need to understand that it is, in fact, ourselves who are compartmentalizing. These needs are especially difficult to integrate because they are not as “in your face” as aspects like the square or opposition, and the nature of the quincunx itself is awkward.

Moon quincunx Venus can be ultra sweet and sickly, but the quincunx makes it’s more like sweet and sour. Moon quincunx Venus is greedy for affection and needs tangible expressions of love, but they go about this in an indirect way so that the person they are attempting to extricate this from does not even realize it. Moon/Venus has real difficulty with asking for what it needs in the normal fashion. These people have a kooky charm and usually attractive, but in a striking, eccentric way. Moon quincunx Venus wants everyone to be happy, loving and congenial, but they can be obsessive in their pursuit of fairness and perfection. Because of their perfectionist quirk, these subjects really don’t take criticism well, are extremely sensitive and get far too upset too easily, which draws them into very un-peaceful fights. So this combination can be very paradoxical.

Moon quincunx Venus looks like witchcraft to me. The unusual combination seems to create harmony where it just shouldn’t do. Generally both the Moon and Venus are seen as soft, feminine, harmonious planets. But the Moon has its devouring mother side and Venus was also the Goddess of war in Babylonian times.

Moon inconjunct Venus is better for men than it is for women and the inconjunction is creating lack of balance. This Moon inconjunct Venus describes a disproportionate need for love and emotion.

Your habits may annoy others. You may have bad manners, bad breath or bad personal hygiene habits that irritate those around you. You can be lazy at times and you hate to get your hands dirty. You prefer other people doing the hard work while you sit around and reap the benefits or the glory. You know exactly how to tell people what they want to hear, regardless of whether it is really honest or not. You may have conflicting emotional desires and needs which complicate your personal life. Perhaps you are trying to please someone you care about so much so that you end up being some other person instead of yourself, becoming very unhappy in the process. You may have trouble figuring out just what you want in a relationship, a mother or a lover. If your needs for emotional satisfaction and love are not met, then overeating (especially sweets) can be a problem for you. You have a tendency anyway toward rich, sweet food and emotional imbalances set you to overeating as compensation for what you feel you are lacking. You are insecure and do not have a very high opinion of yourself. Perhaps you find yourself ugly or unattractive in some way, regardless of what the people around you tell you. You need to learn how to emotionally stand alone on your own two feet and to stand up for yourself and what you believe. You want and need the love of others in order to feel secure and if that love seems to be taken away, then you crumble. You are very warm and loving, but you must learn that you cannot possess anyone. We have all loved countless souls in all our previous incarnations here on earth and there is never a final farewell for love. You always are reunited with those you love. Anything to the contrary is an illusion.

Money goes out as fast as it comes in, sometimes faster. You have a tendency to be self-indulgent, over-extravagant and too desiring of luxury. You have the tendency to take the easy way out of things and to not stand up for your rights and needs. You are sensitive about your personal popularity. You may have an inferiority complex. The challenge is for you to develop the courage and learn how to voice your convictions. You have such a strong emotional need to be liked and accepted that you avoid making waves. By standing up for your personal convictions, you will build strength of character and will be free to be yourself. And this will make you a much happier person.